Wednesday 10 May 2017

How To Improve Your Belief System So You Can Reach The Sky High

 I believe that we all have our own beliefs and that can be dangerous because a fixed belief can often prevent important skill development and growth, which could sabotage your health and happiness down the line. 

So how do we define belief in particular? According "Belief is the state of mind in which a person thinks something to be the case, with or without there being empirical evidence to prove that something is the case with factual certainty.

Another way of defining belief sees it as a mental representation of an attitude positively oriented towards the likelihood of something being.

In epistemology, philosophers use the term "belief" to refer to personal attitudes associated with true or false ideas and concepts. However, "belief" doesn't require active introspection and circumspection.

For example, we never ponder whether or not the sun will rise. We simply assume the sun will rise. Since "belief" is an important aspect of mundane life".
Back to business. In this post I want us to focus on the subject of religion and spirituality. Most people when they go about developing their religious and spiritual beliefs is that they make it part of their identity.

For example;"they say I'm a Christian, I'm a Buddhist, I'm a Jewish, I'm a Roman Catholic, I'm an Etheist, I'm an Apostolic, I'm a Muslim, I'm a Islam" and so on...   

So today I want us to challenge this approach to religion and present an alternative view, a different way to think about spirituality and religion rather than making it part of your identity, to treat it like a peace of a software running in your mind.

For example; in your personal computer or a smartphone you might have a word processor installed, spreadsheet installed, games installed, music player installed and many other software installed.
But you don't necessarily think of these pieces of software as your computer's identity, you wouldn't say my computer is a word processor, my computer is a spreadsheet or my computer is a game!

Rather you'd say that my computer has the capability to perform word processing, as a spreadsheet, it can perform as an entertainment machine because of the types of software you have installed in it.

It's not that the software is the identity of the machine/device, the device has it's own identity separate from the software, however the software gives the machine/device various capabilities, software controls the machine/device's functions at certain times.

And for the time that you're using those particular pieces of software, you may indeed identify your computer as a machine that is a word processor or a spreadsheet or a machine that is an entertainment machine.

But it's really not those things, it's really much more than. Similarly you can apply this concept to the idea of religion. So the way that I see religion it's not something that you'd make part of your identity.
I see religion or spiritual beliefs as a software, a software that runs within the main frame of your consciousness. For example you could load up the software of a Christian, again you could load up the software of a Buddhist and think like a Buddhist.

You could also load up the software of an Islam if you got installed in your mind, similarly you could go and learn about other beliefs systems and effectively install new software in your mind.

This is like what's happening with the computer technology, there's always new software created to push back the edges. Similarly I think we should be creating new software for our minds consciously.

So the real idea of this multi dimensional approach to religion or to spiritual belief or philosophy is that it makes you more capable human being, it expands your horizon and it makes your life more enjoyable than having a single belief system.

It's just like using a computer with one piece of software vs using a computer with hundreds or thousands pieces of software. It's a much richer experience.

So now, "I encourage you to start thinking about this" that maybe your belief system, your religion system or spiritual system doesn't have to be your identity as a conscious being.

But in a main fact nearly be a piece of software and by making it into your identity, you're like a computer running only one piece of software. If that's how you choose to live then wonderful but let it be your choice that you make for yourself.

Play the audio below by Steve Pavlina to learn more about this topic so you can develop, improve and grow your beliefs system.                   
develop your beliefs system


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