Tuesday 28 March 2017

10 Things people do when they're drunk and regret them the following day!

Have you ever observed things that people do when they're drunk? Well, I don't know about you but I have and many times. And I found a lot of both funny and bad things people do when they're drunk. Here you'll find a few things that I've seen people do when they're drunk.

Watch this video and see what people do when they're drunk!

1. Some people talk, talk and talk way too much when drunk and it's annoying for some of us because you find that you're not in a mood to listen to their nonsense but they'll talk and talk while that smell is stinking in their mouth. I'm sure you've smelt that brewery in their mouth before๐Ÿ˜ . Look at who you're talking to!

2. Some people love to dance and they don't even have moves, I guess you've seen them right? They dance horrible, even monkeys dance better. On the other hand, some have moves but they overdo it, they want to dance until their feet are sweating blood. Please don't try to be another Michael Jackson, you'll get hurt๐Ÿ˜œ

3. Other people when drunk, they throw up. There's nothing I hate than to see chewed mince mixed with the last night's mash potatoes coming out of someone's mouth and stinking. How disgusting is that? Next time when you know you're going to get drunk, please fast, at least that way there won't be any bad smell!

4. People get over excited, they can't even say no to alcohol, they just want to drink, drink and drink until the sun rise. Others spend way too much when drunk, they buy everyone beers as if they just won a lottery. Watch out, you might spend all your monthly income in one night because of your foolishness!


5. Some can't speak properly, I mean you can't even hear a word they're saying, others mispronounce words, these are the words that I have found that are difficult to say when drunk:
Please don't try to say any of these words when you're drunk, birds are going to laugh at you๐Ÿ˜‚

6. Some people love to sing and when they sing, it's like they're crying. Ooh shame you sing horrible, just don't do it or please go for singing lessons if you want to improve.

7. People love to have sex when they're drunk, they can't say; "no thanks, but I don't want to have sex" instead they kiss all the way to the bedroom and these nowadays, they even do it in the toilets or inside their cars. At least use a condom, because we know you are too horny to say no to sex!

8. When people are drunk, they drive reckless, no wonder why we see a lot of accidents at weekends because many of these folks forget a simple rule "don't drink and drive". Hope you've a life insurance!
9. Others love to fight even when there's nothing to fight for, they can start by saying; "can't you see you're stepping on my toes?" so they'd find a reason to kick your ass. So walk far away from those drunken masters with big muscles or else, you might regret why you went to the club that night.๐Ÿ‘Š

10. Others when drunk, they talk to themselves or alone. That's awkward, don't you think? Sometimes we even think some people are crazy or bewitched. Please stop doing that, unless you want be featured on the first page of a daily newspaper tomorrow๐Ÿ˜†

There you have it "10 things people do when they're drunk and regret them the following day!" Next time when you're drunk, make sure you don't look like an idiot by doing these things. If you want to enjoy a drink, try to stay within recommended limits.

I recommend you, reading this article about the effects of alcohol and what alcohol does to your body so you may enjoy a drink and stay within recommended limits. Till next time, drink responsibly. Click here to read the article about the effects of alcohol and what alcohol does to your body.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Ever wondered why aren't you achieving your goals and dreams?

We all have new year's resolution or goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of each year. Things we tell ourselves, things like; "this year I want to fix my life, I want to quit smoking because it's damaging my lungs, I want to stop drinking because it makes me spend money unwisely, I want to leave my girlfriend/boyfriend because he/she doesn't make me happy, I am going to look for new job,

I want my own place so I can have my own personal space, I want to buy my own house, I want to buy a new car, I am going to church, and blah blah blah". But come December when reviewing all of the things you said you were going to do or wanted to do, you found that you didn't do a single thing on a list. And you aren't the only one going through this kind of problem or should I call it a route?

Ever wondered why? I'm sure you did but if in case you haven't figured it out why, let me explain to you why you don't or didn't reach the goals you have set for yourself. It's not because you don't have the ability to do it but it's because of the following reasons; laziness, ignorant, unpreparedness, comfort zone, surrounding yourself with negative people,

you haven't set SMART(Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic and Timely) goals, lack of purpose, you want to achieve a lot at a very short period of time, you focus on the things you don't want, irresponsibility, listening to people who tell you nonsense, selfishness, and more...
All of these reasons mentioned above are what's been holding you back or depriving you from reaching your goals and dreams. The only way you'll ever going  to reach your goals is to first find the main reasons that's preventing you from reaching your goals and get rid of them because it's an obstacle on your way. Personal or life coaches called them mental blocks and  if you don't get rid of then they'll haunt you till Jesus comes back.

How to eliminate mental blocks forever? I would like to introduce you to the sedona method.
The Sedona Method is a unique, simple, powerful, easy-to-learn and duplicate technique that shows you how to uncover your natural ability to let go of any painful or unwanted feeling in the moment.

The Sedona Method consists of a series of questions you ask yourself that lead your awareness to what you are feeling in the moment and gently guide you into the experience of letting go. This method will help you set SMART goals and achieve your goals much faster.
This technique has already helped hundreds of thousands of people to tap this natural ability to let go of uncomfortable or unwanted emotions on the spot, including many people that you may already know.
What makes the Sedona Method a powerful tool (that really works!) is that it is a process you can use anytime, anyplace, to improve any area of your life.

Achieve your goals

Scientifically proven

The Sedona Method is scientifically proven to be effective by respected institutions. In fact, many corporations have worked with Sedona Training Associates to create positive results for their companies and their employees. We have a long history of success.

What can you expect from the Sedona Method?

The Sedona Method is based on the power of feelings. Think about it. If you FEEL powerful, then you act powerfully. If you feel sad, then you act sadly. Your feelings define how you operate in the world. And, unless you change those feelings, you are going to act as you have always acted, and you will produce the results you've always produced.

If you want to learn more about eliminating mental blocks, releasing stress, anger and more, visit the sedona method blog by Hale Dwoskin. Hale Dwoskin is the New York Times best-selling author of "The Sedona Method," and is featured in the movie, "Letting Go."

He is the founder of Sedona Training Associates, an organization that teaches courses based on the emotional releasing techniques inspired by his mentor, Lester Levenson. Hale is an international speaker and featured faculty member at Esalen and the Omega Institute. He is also one of the 24 featured teachers of the book and movie phenomenon, “The Secret,” as well as a founding member of The Transformational Leadership Council.

There you have it, now you can clear mental blocks that have been holding you back to succeed. Enjoy...


Monday 13 March 2017

What Is Love And What Isn't?

We all define Love in many words and ways but honestly what is Love and what isn't?


In my own opinion, Love is invisible, wonderful and great feeling that you can't explain, see, touch, and yet strong and powerful feeling that you can actually feel in your heart, soul and in the veins of your body. But love can also be cruel, why? because you may find that you're in love with somebody who doesn't feel what you feel. For example you may find that you're in love with a celebrity like Beyonce but chances that she might love you back are very slim or unlikely at all!๐Ÿ’”

According to psychology.com, Love is a force of nature.
We may have some limited ability to change the weather, but we do so at the risk of upsetting an ecological balance we don't fully understand. Similarly, we can stage a seduction or mount a courtship, but the result is more likely to be infatuation, or two illusions dancing together, than love.

Love is bigger than you are. You can invite love, but you can't dictate how, when, and where love expresses itself. You can choose to surrender to love, or not, but in the end love strikes like lightening, unpredictable and irrefutable.

You can even find yourself loving people you don't like at all. Love doesn't come with conditions, stipulations, addenda, or codes. Like the sun, love radiates independently of our fears and desires. Love is inherently free. It cannot be bought, sold, or traded. You cannot make someone love you, nor can you prevent it, for any amount of money. You can read the full article here.

If you've read this far, I'm sure you can paint the picture in your mind, maybe even relate or maybe perhaps you know couple who truly love each other. I can relate because my friend Temba have been there himself. He has met someone whom he truly love, someone that he thinks she's his soulmate or a God sent angel.

So one day I asked my friend Temba these questions;
Neo asked: why do you love this girl so much, I mean she's ugly as a baboon?๐Ÿ˜
Temba replied: because there's something special about her

Neo asked: what is special about this ugly girl man?
Temba replied: when I'm with her, I feel like God has brought heaven on earth. She's like an Angel

Neo asked: hahahaa...๐Ÿ˜‚ what does an Angel look like?
Temba replied: I haven't seen one but she looks like an Angel to me, she's special & amazing

Neo asked: what exactly do you see in this girl man?
Temba replied: the light in her eyes is like the stars shinning in the darkness, the excitement in her happy cries makes me feel appreciated, the sweetness of her voice heals my heart, the beauty in her poise, the softness of her skin, the cuteness of her chin, the plum of her lips, the slenderness of her hips, the promise in her touch, her contagious blush, the warmth of her embrace, the love in her kiss, these are few among the many things are about her

Neo asked: wow that's sweet my friend, you truly love this girl, don't you?
Then Temba started praising her with tenderess loving sweetness words as follows:

Like a star she came into my life
She filled my heart with joy
She took my pain as if it was hers
She provided me with love that no one could give me
She gave me a shoulder to cry on
She was my pillar when I was falling
She was my strength when I was weak
With her smile she made my living on earth worthwhile
With the soft words she whispered in my ear
Made me realize that I was in Love indeed
Without her next to me my life is meaningless
Every day I sit and pray that she will remain as sweet as she is
And that is why I will always Love her as long as she let me


Wow, from there I was thrilled and speechless, that's when I realized that Temba was in love indeed. Till today, Temba is still madly in love with his woman as if they just met yesterday, they hold hands when walking public, they play around like school kids or adolescence driven teenagers, oh man, I envy them sometimes but I guess I'll find my sweet loving angel too one day๐Ÿ˜‹. I mean that's true love for me!

Love cares what becomes of you because love knows that we are all interconnected. Love is inherently compassionate and empathic. Love knows that the "other" is also oneself. This is the true nature of love and love itself can not be manipulated or restrained. Love honors the sovereignty of each soul. Love is its own law.

There you have, What Is Love And What isn't? Now that you know what love is and what isn't, I'm sure you'll recognize it and go for it!

Thursday 9 March 2017

A Guide To Finding Answers About Your Life?

The question of; how are we going to live our life? is the big one that all of us face at some stage, right?. And trying to answer this question right away it's often difficult but if we shift different perspectives as we try to answer this question, it can give us some additional clarity that makes the question easier to answer.

I still remember when we were young at school, my teacher would ask all the children in a class, the question like; what do you want to be when you grow up? and we would jump, some of us say: "I want to be a doctor, I want to be a teacher, I want to be a nurse, I want to be a soldier" not knowing exactly what it really meant to be a doctor, a teacher, or a soldier because we were just kids!

I said: "I want to be a policeman"๐Ÿ‘ฎ because I was inspired by two policemen on the New York Undercover Series and I also liked the guns but few years later as I was starting to mature, I realized that's not what really resonates with who I am. I'm not saying that it isn't good to be a policeman.

Getting back to that question, in 2006 February 12 my friend Steve of stevepavlina.com recorded a podcast about raising awareness through multiple perspectives and I'll share the audio podcast with you to listen to in just a moment. Basically the podcast is more like a mind exercise and very helpful.

The goal of the podcast is to help you answer the question of; how shall I live my life? and what you'll want to do is use your imagination to explore possible answers to this question from different perspectives. And the two main factors you're going to alter/change to shift perspectives are time and space.


And the ultimate goal here is to make this question easier to answer in a way that satisfies you. To answer the question, start with time/begin with the present moment; how do you feel about your life right now?, probably that's not the hard question to answer, right?

But now let's shift this perspective and imagine; how do you think you'd feel about how you living right now, a year from now?, how about 5 years or 10 years from now?, or even 50 years from now?, how about at your death bed?, imagine going all the way to the end of your life and thinking from that perspective, how would you feel about your life right now/ today?

What would be important to you and what wouldn't be important to you? Now let's shift it to the past; how would your childhood-self think of the person you've become today?, how would you as a teenager think about the person you've become today?, if you're much older than that, how would yourself from 5 years or 10 years ago think about who you are today?

You can also take this question beyond your own lifetime, further into the past or forward into the future; where does your life fit into all of human history?, into the entire history of the universe? what type of legacy are you creating for the future? what does your life mean, when you pull back outside the context of time?, and again just use your imagination and answer the question as possible as you can!

Initially you may not like the answer that you hear or see but that's fine because the whole purpose is to give you the greater clarity so you can make the changes that you want to make. Some things that seem important to you right now can become virtually meaningless when you look at them from different time perspective!

One example is money. Money looks good within your lifetime, as you go forward into the future it might look even more important but when you extend it beyond your own lifetime and even pull back further outside the context of time, it becomes virtually meaningless.

Now let's move on to the second factor that you can alter which is space, this means moving to other perspectives beyond your own ego. How does your life look from someone else perspective? how does it look from your spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend's perspective if you have one? how about your friends and peers? how would they look at your life?, you can even ask them if you want to know their answer.

How about your parents? your children if you have any? your worst enemy? people you respect? what about a group of people like your community? your country or the whole world?, does they way you living right now look good from all these different perspectives/from other people's angels?

The next thing you can do is to combine both space and time. For example; what were your parent's hopes and dreams for you when you're born? did they even have any for you? how will your own children feel about your life after you've died?, you can step outside of your own life and look at it from the perspective of every thing that exists in both time and space, sort of a cosmic perspective!

How does your life fit into the universe? what does it mean that you exist at all? the goal here is to create a life for yourself consciously, that makes sense from all different perspectives not just your own. Think of it as creating a life that's ecologically sound. Does your life serve not only your own good but the highest good of all/Almighty God? and what are you going to do with your life?


That's the tough question to answer when you're only focused on your limited perspective of the present moment and your own ego, but when you pull outside and look at it from multiple perspectives, it becomes much easier to come up with the intelligent response.

Now you'll have to develop the courage to accept the answer you get, at least this way you'll be able to get some answers. And usually in most cases the answers are simple ones. For example; Steve says his answer is that: "he's here to grow and to help others grow". He says; this answer looks good to him from every perspective he's considered, it looks good from within his own ego and within the present moment.

It tells him what he should be doing right now, like recording a podcast but it also looks good to him from the perspectives outside of time and it looks good to him from other people's perspectives. And he also says that; he's been living with it for quiet some time now and the results have been absolutely wonderful.

Steve concludes by saying that; "his ultimate wish is for you to be able to enjoy the similar sense of purpose, to wake up each day knowing why you exist and to pursue that purpose for so much passion that it infects every fiber of your being. And that's in fact what it means to live consciously or with a purpose".

If you go through this mind exercise as I call it from start to finish, you'll be amazed with the answers you get. There are a lot of answers that are hidden inside of your brain that you didn't pay attention to but by going through this exercise you'll be able to unlock them. These answers are waiting for you to find them, so go ahead seek/find these answers by doing this exercise yourself.

There you have it, (A Guide To Finding Answers About Your Life?).
Like I promised to share an audio podcast with you, access it below๐Ÿ‘‡ and Enjoy!!!

play podcast


Monday 6 March 2017

How I had overcame life's challenges that haunted me for many years?

When life gets tough, I'd often ask myself a lot of questions like: "Why am I on this planet?, What am I doing in this place?, How did get here?" and sometimes back then when I was a little boy I even thought of ending my life because life just seemed so complicated to me!๐Ÿ˜ฃ

I even thought that everybody hates me, whenever things weren't going my way because I didn't understand what the purpose of life was or what was the purpose of living in general! I thought everything was all about me, me getting this & that, me doing this & that, me bragging about all the things I have and me telling everybody how awesome I was. What a ridiculous and selfish little boy I was?

At the age of 12, I lost one of my parents, My VIP (very important person in my life). From there on, my life kind of like stopped right there because that parent was everything to me. This parent alone played a major role in my life, he was the one who was putting food on the table to feed my hungry tummy, dressing this sexy body of mine, putting a smile on my face because he was very entertaining and inspiring human being.

One year later I entered my teenage stage where peer pressure began, at this stage I totally lost the direction of my life because I was bullied at school and later I was forced to join the group of those bullies, and when you check I was a quite and good behaving boy in a class coming from a very good and well respected family where I was taught to behave in a good manner around people and to respect the elders.


But everything changed overnight because I had fallen into devil's trap, I started disrespecting people, always fighting, skipping classes, stealing mother's money to smoking marijuana, I did all of these things just to please my peers that I can do better than they could do, not realising that I had signed the deal with the devil.

Late at night when I was sleeping, I'd hear a voice of this little man in my head saying: "Neo, what are you doing with your life?, why are you hurting those who love you?". The following day when I wake I'd pretend as if nothing has happened, I couldn't even tell my mom about it, I'd continue with my daily routine as usual.

I'd start my day in a nice manner by taking a bath, brush my teeth, have a breakfast and hit the way to school only to arrive late because I knew even if I was late and the gates were closed, I'd still use that escaping hole in the corner of a wire fence. From there I'd sneak outside the window of my class and check if there was a teacher in a class, if the teacher wasn't there then I enter the class to join my group and make noise!

At lunch time, we would use that hole again to escape so we could go hide in a donga/canyon down the school and start rolling the grass with papers (a joint of marijuana) to smoke. After smoking we would still go inside the school premises using that hole in a corner and start annoying other school kids who went to school to empower themselves, we didn't know what we were doing, we were corrupted and out of line.

One day after school I found my mother waiting for me at home, she asked me to sit down and she told me every single thing that I and my peers were doing at school, and I denied everything and guess what? she said to me: "I'm removing you from that school". I said "hell no mommy" because I was already comfortable in that space and living a lie, that wasn't who truly I was but a devil had made me to be that way.

But thanks to my mother because the following year she removed me from that school and placed me in another school were she knew I'd be taken care of but I proved her to be wrong because I failed, I had joined another gang of bad boys though they weren't bullies but they were after girls so they taught me all the lessons of how to approach a girl, talk to her and, they even wrote me notes on the paper! funny๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ 


The following year, I decided to pull up my socks because I knew that nobody was to be blamed but only me. I started my year like a house on fire, not skipping any classes, getting those good looking results but there was this nice looking yellow bone girl in a class who had a crush on me and I also liked her but I was so scared of talking to her because her beauty looked like God have brought heaven on earth! OMG ๐Ÿ’“ 

Well I ignored her beauty because I wanted to pass that year and I didn't even know a damn thing about what love was all about but she looked like an angel. That year I managed to pass after two miserable years and the joy was over the moon at home, they even slaughtered me a chicken (African way) because they had forgotten about those A's and B's I used to get when I was in a primary level.

From there, I didn't fail or repeat any grade (from Grade 10 -12), it was just like a walking path with no thorns on it because I had changed my mentality, and decided to grow so that I can see the other side of life, not knowing that entering the adulthood is the biggest challenge of all the stages because that's where you get to experience all life's difficulties, hardships, failures as well as heart breaks. 

Today here I am, a grown up man, and I still remember all the problems & challenges I had overcame to be where I am today , there is no problems or a challenge that I can't overcome because I've learnt that problems don't last forever. When your life has full of ups and downs, take that as a life's lessons, we have all been there but we dealt with those problems so that we can move on and be happy again๐Ÿ˜„

First of all, I'd suggest that you find the purpose for your life (why are you here and what are you doing in this planet) by finding your life's purpose is kind of like taking that guilt away from you and you'd also stop blaming other people for your failure because only you can help yourself to go out of that miserable life you're living. Truth hurts I know but it's true.

I'd suggest that you read my recent blog post about "what is your life's purpose?" and there you can find and listen to a pod cast where my friend Steve will walk you through the exercise of how to find your life's purpose in the pod cast. Once you've gone through the exercise, you'll have lot of answers concerning your life. I myself Neo have gone through the exercise and find that it's fruitful and personally empowering.๐Ÿ’ช

There you have it. How I had overcame life's challenges that haunted me for many years? 

You too can overcome life's challenges if you can just listen and apply steps you are taught.
Click the picture below to find your life's purpose!