Tuesday 21 March 2017

Ever wondered why aren't you achieving your goals and dreams?

We all have new year's resolution or goals we set for ourselves at the beginning of each year. Things we tell ourselves, things like; "this year I want to fix my life, I want to quit smoking because it's damaging my lungs, I want to stop drinking because it makes me spend money unwisely, I want to leave my girlfriend/boyfriend because he/she doesn't make me happy, I am going to look for new job,

I want my own place so I can have my own personal space, I want to buy my own house, I want to buy a new car, I am going to church, and blah blah blah". But come December when reviewing all of the things you said you were going to do or wanted to do, you found that you didn't do a single thing on a list. And you aren't the only one going through this kind of problem or should I call it a route?

Ever wondered why? I'm sure you did but if in case you haven't figured it out why, let me explain to you why you don't or didn't reach the goals you have set for yourself. It's not because you don't have the ability to do it but it's because of the following reasons; laziness, ignorant, unpreparedness, comfort zone, surrounding yourself with negative people,

you haven't set SMART(Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic and Timely) goals, lack of purpose, you want to achieve a lot at a very short period of time, you focus on the things you don't want, irresponsibility, listening to people who tell you nonsense, selfishness, and more...
All of these reasons mentioned above are what's been holding you back or depriving you from reaching your goals and dreams. The only way you'll ever going  to reach your goals is to first find the main reasons that's preventing you from reaching your goals and get rid of them because it's an obstacle on your way. Personal or life coaches called them mental blocks and  if you don't get rid of then they'll haunt you till Jesus comes back.

How to eliminate mental blocks forever? I would like to introduce you to the sedona method.
The Sedona Method is a unique, simple, powerful, easy-to-learn and duplicate technique that shows you how to uncover your natural ability to let go of any painful or unwanted feeling in the moment.

The Sedona Method consists of a series of questions you ask yourself that lead your awareness to what you are feeling in the moment and gently guide you into the experience of letting go. This method will help you set SMART goals and achieve your goals much faster.
This technique has already helped hundreds of thousands of people to tap this natural ability to let go of uncomfortable or unwanted emotions on the spot, including many people that you may already know.
What makes the Sedona Method a powerful tool (that really works!) is that it is a process you can use anytime, anyplace, to improve any area of your life.

Achieve your goals

Scientifically proven

The Sedona Method is scientifically proven to be effective by respected institutions. In fact, many corporations have worked with Sedona Training Associates to create positive results for their companies and their employees. We have a long history of success.

What can you expect from the Sedona Method?

The Sedona Method is based on the power of feelings. Think about it. If you FEEL powerful, then you act powerfully. If you feel sad, then you act sadly. Your feelings define how you operate in the world. And, unless you change those feelings, you are going to act as you have always acted, and you will produce the results you've always produced.

If you want to learn more about eliminating mental blocks, releasing stress, anger and more, visit the sedona method blog by Hale Dwoskin. Hale Dwoskin is the New York Times best-selling author of "The Sedona Method," and is featured in the movie, "Letting Go."

He is the founder of Sedona Training Associates, an organization that teaches courses based on the emotional releasing techniques inspired by his mentor, Lester Levenson. Hale is an international speaker and featured faculty member at Esalen and the Omega Institute. He is also one of the 24 featured teachers of the book and movie phenomenon, “The Secret,” as well as a founding member of The Transformational Leadership Council.

There you have it, now you can clear mental blocks that have been holding you back to succeed. Enjoy...


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