I even thought that everybody hates me, whenever things weren't going my way because I didn't understand what the purpose of life was or what was the purpose of living in general! I thought everything was all about me, me getting this & that, me doing this & that, me bragging about all the things I have and me telling everybody how awesome I was. What a ridiculous and selfish little boy I was?
At the age of 12, I lost one of my parents, My VIP (very important person in my life). From there on, my life kind of like stopped right there because that parent was everything to me. This parent alone played a major role in my life, he was the one who was putting food on the table to feed my hungry tummy, dressing this sexy body of mine, putting a smile on my face because he was very entertaining and inspiring human being.
One year later I entered my teenage stage where peer pressure began, at this stage I totally lost the direction of my life because I was bullied at school and later I was forced to join the group of those bullies, and when you check I was a quite and good behaving boy in a class coming from a very good and well respected family where I was taught to behave in a good manner around people and to respect the elders.
But everything changed overnight because I had fallen into devil's trap, I started disrespecting people, always fighting, skipping classes, stealing mother's money to smoking marijuana, I did all of these things just to please my peers that I can do better than they could do, not realising that I had signed the deal with the devil.
Late at night when I was sleeping, I'd hear a voice of this little man in my head saying: "Neo, what are you doing with your life?, why are you hurting those who love you?". The following day when I wake I'd pretend as if nothing has happened, I couldn't even tell my mom about it, I'd continue with my daily routine as usual.
I'd start my day in a nice manner by taking a bath, brush my teeth, have a breakfast and hit the way to school only to arrive late because I knew even if I was late and the gates were closed, I'd still use that escaping hole in the corner of a wire fence. From there I'd sneak outside the window of my class and check if there was a teacher in a class, if the teacher wasn't there then I enter the class to join my group and make noise!
At lunch time, we would use that hole again to escape so we could go hide in a donga/canyon down the school and start rolling the grass with papers (a joint of marijuana) to smoke. After smoking we would still go inside the school premises using that hole in a corner and start annoying other school kids who went to school to empower themselves, we didn't know what we were doing, we were corrupted and out of line.
One day after school I found my mother waiting for me at home, she asked me to sit down and she told me every single thing that I and my peers were doing at school, and I denied everything and guess what? she said to me: "I'm removing you from that school". I said "hell no mommy" because I was already comfortable in that space and living a lie, that wasn't who truly I was but a devil had made me to be that way.
But thanks to my mother because the following year she removed me from that school and placed me in another school were she knew I'd be taken care of but I proved her to be wrong because I failed, I had joined another gang of bad boys though they weren't bullies but they were after girls so they taught me all the lessons of how to approach a girl, talk to her and, they even wrote me notes on the paper! funnyπππ
The following year, I decided to pull up my socks because I knew that nobody was to be blamed but only me. I started my year like a house on fire, not skipping any classes, getting those good looking results but there was this nice looking yellow bone girl in a class who had a crush on me and I also liked her but I was so scared of talking to her because her beauty looked like God have brought heaven on earth! OMG π
Well I ignored her beauty because I wanted to pass that year and I didn't even know a damn thing about what love was all about but she looked like an angel. That year I managed to pass after two miserable years and the joy was over the moon at home, they even slaughtered me a chicken (African way) because they had forgotten about those A's and B's I used to get when I was in a primary level.
From there, I didn't fail or repeat any grade (from Grade 10 -12), it was just like a walking path with no thorns on it because I had changed my mentality, and decided to grow so that I can see the other side of life, not knowing that entering the adulthood is the biggest challenge of all the stages because that's where you get to experience all life's difficulties, hardships, failures as well as heart breaks.
First of all, I'd suggest that you find the purpose for your life (why are you here and what are you doing in this planet) by finding your life's purpose is kind of like taking that guilt away from you and you'd also stop blaming other people for your failure because only you can help yourself to go out of that miserable life you're living. Truth hurts I know but it's true.
I'd suggest that you read my recent blog post about "what is your life's purpose?" and there you can find and listen to a pod cast where my friend Steve will walk you through the exercise of how to find your life's purpose in the pod cast. Once you've gone through the exercise, you'll have lot of answers concerning your life. I myself Neo have gone through the exercise and find that it's fruitful and personally empowering.πͺ
There you have it. How I had overcame life's challenges that haunted me for many years?
You too can overcome life's challenges if you can just listen and apply steps you are taught.
Click the picture below to find your life's purpose!
Your comment are more then welcome in this post if there anything you'd like to add or ask... Thanks